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  • Wentworth Point – Closed on 25/12, 26/12, 27/12, 31/12, 01/01
  • Ropes Crossing – Closed on 25/12, 26/12, 27/12, 01/01

We are open on dates not mentioned above.

Can You Get Veneers With Periodontal Disease?

Dental veneers are an excellent option for improving the appearance of chipped, cracked, or discoloured for a better smile and aesthetic. Veneers also protect the surface of damaged teeth from further wear, restoring functionality and helping your teeth to last much longer than they would without treatment. 

So, can you get veneers with periodontal disease? While dentists can apply veneers to a range of tooth damage, veneers require the patient to have healthy gums to support strong teeth. If you are interested in getting dental veneers, then the best way forward is to know the symptoms of periodontal disease and what you can do to improve gum health so veneers become an option for you. 

What is Periodontal Disease? 

Periodontal disease gum disease that is caused by the infection and the inflammation of the gum and the bone that support the teeth. If the infection is not taken care of promptly, the damage to teeth, supporting bone structure, and surrounding tissue can lead to tooth loss. 

The causes of periodontal disease include: 

  • Poor oral hygiene 
  • Smoking 
  • Drug use 
  • Medical conditions  such as uncontrolled diabetes or cadiovascular disease
  • Genetics 
  • Poor nutrition 
  • Hormonal changes, like those experienced during pregnancy or puberty 
  • Some medications 

What Are the Warning Signs of Periodontal Disease? 

Gum disease typically begins with gingivitis, which can turn into periodontitis if left untreated. If you are showing any typical signs of gum disease listed below, contact your dentist for a professional assessment. 

Swollen gums 

Swollen gums will look as if they are bulging or protruding outward, and swelling typically starts where the gum and tooth meet. In more advanced cases, the swollen gum may begin to cover parts of your teeth that are usually exposed. 

Red or purple gums 

Both gingivitis and periodontal disease can cause your gums to change colour, often to a red or purple instead of the normal pink. 

Tender or bleeding gums 

Tender gums that hurt when you brush your teeth, eat hard or crunchy food, or when they experience a temperature change, can indicate gum disease. Gum disease can also make your gums bleed when brushing and flossing your teeth. 

Bad breath 

While bad breath can have numerous causes, such as oral hygiene, smoking, and diet, bad breath caused by gum disease tends to be constant, even after brushing your teeth. Gum disease can also give you a persistent bad taste in your mouth. 

Loose or sensitive teeth 

Because periodontitis can weaken teeth and damage the tooth supporting tissues, it can leave you with loose and/or sensitive teeth that make it difficult to chew food. 

Can You Get Veneers with Periodontal Disease? 

Because periodontal disease can damage surrounding bone and tissue and weaken teeth, patients cannot get veneers while still suffering from gum disease. This is because teeth need to be in good health to respond well to a veneer procedure. 

That doesn’t mean that you won’t be eligible for veneers in the future if you suffer from gum disease right now.  Once gum disease is under control and stabilised, you may be able to get veneers to improve the appearance and functionality of your teeth, depending on your dentist’s assessment.

Treating Periodontal Disease Before You Get Veneers 

It is essential to develop a treatment plan for periodontitis with your dentist and to avoid missing any appointments for the best results. The number of treatment steps may differ based on the severity of the gum disease. The most common treatments for periodontitis are: 

  • Practising effective oral hygiene, like brushing, flossing, and eating a healthy diet 
  • Regular professional cleanings 
  • Antibiotics to treat the infection itself 
  • Flap surgery to clean any deposits under your gums that cannot be cleaned by brushing alone 

Your dentist will also need to schedule regular check-up appointments to monitor the treatment’s progress and to make any alterations to the treatment plan as required. 

Do You Suffer from Gum Disease and Are Considering Veneers? 

If you are wondering if you can get veneers with periodontal disease, then the short answer is no, not while you still suffer from gum disease. The good news is that you can  stabilise gum disease by working with your dentist and developing an effective treatment plan. Your dentist can then assess your oral health and decide if veneers are a practical option for improving your smile. 

For more information on periodontitis treatment and veneers, and if you have any other questions regarding your dental health, contact the Boon Dental team today. If you are ready to optimise your smile with a new set of veneers, then click here

Boon Dental